Your website needs a domain name (web address). When you register your domain, choose wisely because this name will represent your band.

Check out the six domain registration tips below: 

1) Keep it short
Try to register the shortest name that your visitors will associate with your Website. The general rule of thumb is: keep it under eight characters if possible.

2) Make it Easy to Remember
When people think of your domain, they should think of you, and vice versa.

3) Self-Explanatory
Visitors should know what your domain is all about before they ever get to your website

4) Personal Name
Register your own first and last name as your URL if you are a consultant, writer, or other professional whose reputation in your field is critical to drawing customers.

5) Make it a dot-com
In the United States, most people typing in a domain name will type “.com” by default. With all the domain names registered, the “.com” extension is by far the most popular than the others (.net, .info. or .org).

6) Keyword Domain
Try to include the keywords you plan to target. Google shows favoritism in its rankings to domain names that contain one or more of the keywords being searched for.

Registering your domain name is fast, easy, and secure.