Web hosts are companies that store your website and provide you with space, tools, and support to create your website. Web hosts also provide you with email addresses and free scripts for shopping carts, blogging, social networking, and more.

A web hosting service allows individuals (which is you) and organizations to create their own websites accessible via the World Wide Web (WWW).

There are 2 hosting options - the regular and website builder.

Option 1: With regular hosting, you can install install WordPress (blogging), Joomla (membership website), and other applications.

Also, if you want to build your website using a web editor (Dreamweaver), you can just upload your site to your regular web host.

Option 2: With website builder, you can choose from hundreds of templates. After choosing your template, you just need to add text, pictures, videos, and hit the publish button. It is extremely easy and fast for making simple and personal sites.

Webstarts offers option 2, a free website builder.